Radula auriculata

Radula auriculata Steph. (Radulaceae)

Distinguishing Features

Another rare but luxuriant species of wet coastal regions, R. auriculata forms golden yellow to green, elongate (>5 cm) and lanky shoots that exhibit frequent, albeit spaced-out branching. The undersides are devoid of underleaves and show a large pocket at the base of the leaves. The species name makes reference to the tendency of leaves to spread far across the upper stem surface towards their base.

Similar species

On account of its size, likely only to be confused with R. obtusiloba, which grows in similar habitats as is of similar stature. R. auriculata, however, lacks the branches present at the base of every stem leaf in R. obtusiloba and consequently does not have the same feathery form.


Moist to wet, shady rock outcrops, cliffs, humus, and tree trunks (esp. redcedar) in the lowland and montane zones; infrequent in wc BC [Haida Gwaii].

Associated species